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Social Media Marketing Essentials

Discover how to leverage the power of social media to impact an organization at various levels. In this course you can Learn the skills needed to effectively use Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter social media marketing platforms. Build the knowledge you need to drive traffic, craft engaging content and use marketing analytics to power your social media marketing strategy.¹

Skills you'll learn

  • Identify social media platforms and distinguish applications based upon platform affordances
  • Assess planning and execution of social media marketing campaigns for viability and effectiveness, given specific market and campaign parameters
  • Interpret relevant analytics regarding campaign performance for a given metric and campaign goal
  • Evaluate Social Media Marketing Plan elements for a given set of marketing goals and limitations and conditions

Skill modules

Social Media Marketing Platforms

    • Personal and Social Connection Platforms
    • Professional and Business-Oriented Platforms

Social Media Marketing Planning and Execution

    • Developing a Social Media Foundation and Strategy
    • Mastering Social Media: Organization and Content Creation

Social Media Marketing Analytics

    • Tracking Goals and Mastering Google Analytics
    • Measuring Performance and Efforts on Social Media

Social Media Marketing Plan Evaluation

  • ~~Social Media Marketing Plan Evaluation Social Media Team Building and Organization~~

Showcase your achievement

You will earn a Certificate of Completion and Skill Badge for each individual skill in this Skills Pathway when you've successfully completed each skill with a score of 85% or higher. Share your accomplishments by uploading them to your social media profiles, such as LinkedIn®¹.

¹ LinkedIn is a registered trademark of LinkedIn Corporation and its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.


Frequently asked questions

Social Media Marketing Essentials could be the right Skills Pathway for you if you are interested in learning about social media platforms. Social Media Marketing Essentials might also help you grow your career in the digital marketing field.

Your purchase of the Social Media Marketing Essentials Skills Pathway can be a great first step in building your marketing campaign evaluation skills. You should purchase Social Media Marketing Essentials if you're interested in learning more about how to interpret social media campaign performance data.

Any individual wanting to learn more about social media marketing is welcome to take the Social Media Marketing Essentials non-credit Skills Pathway. No application is necessary.

All skill levels are welcome to take our Social Media Marketing Essentials Skills Pathway. There are no prerequisites for this Pathway.

Our Social Media Marketing Essentials professional development Skills Pathway has four modules comprised of subjects like “devising a social media marketing campaign”, “creating a social media strategy”, and “measuring social media performance.” Each module has a knowledge check and brief assessment to validate your skills. You can expect each Pathway to take about 30 hours, and all Pathways are 100% online and self-paced.

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