Employer Resources News Professional Development

University of Phoenix Professional Development hosts webinar on how organizations can integrate traditional titles with a skills-oriented approach 

May 14 webinar with Chief Learning Officer helps employers with navigating a skills-based shift to maximize talent potential and organizational agility   PHOENIX, May 2, 2024 — University of Phoenix Professional Development announces that it will lead a Chief Learning Officer (CLO) webinar for workplace leaders on navigating a skills-based transition in a hybrid approach that […]

Employer Resources Professional Development

Building a Skills Map: Charting Your Journey

Whether you’re an ambitious individual seeking career enhancement or a leader aiming to optimize your team’s performance, a skills map can be key to unlocking success. This powerful tool can help provide a clear picture of your current strengths and weaknesses, guiding you towards effective learning and development strategies. Define Your Journey The first step […]

Employer Resources Professional Development

The 5 key steps to becoming a skills-based organization 

In today’s business landscape, the ability to swiftly adapt and stay ahead is no longer a mere aspiration –it can be the fuel for innovation and growth. The evolution from a conventional job-centered framework to a skills-based organization is pivotal for those seeking to harness the full potential of their workforce. Embracing this change isn’t […]

Employer Resources Professional Development

What are the benefits to becoming a skills-based organization? 

To help support their workforce in a dynamic business environment, modern organizations may look for innovative strategies to help keep up. One approach that’s gaining momentum across multiple industries is the evolution towards becoming a skills-based organization. Embracing a skills-based approach can influence the way businesses operate by transforming the traditional understanding of work structures […]

Employer Resources Professional Development

Transitioning from job titles to skills: training for a dynamic future  

For today’s modern businesses, the shift from traditional job-oriented training to skill-centric learning experiences has emerged as a defining strategy for organizational success. Embracing a skills-based approach transcends the boundaries of conventional training, focusing instead on tailored learning modules that address individual skill gaps and foster a culture of continuous growth. Explore multiple training approaches […]

Employer Resources Professional Development

The role L&D professionals play: a catalyst for the skills-based transformation

The shift to a skills-based organization presents a transformative opportunity for L&D professionals. By embracing this change, L&D becomes a strategic driver that can help drive business growth and organizational success. There are several ways L&D professionals can act as catalysts for this transformation. Driving business growth Aligning learning and development initiatives with organizational goals […]

Employer Resources Professional Development

Bridging the Gap using Real-World Scenarios in Employee Training 

Forget the days of monotonous training manuals and dry lectures. Today’s modern workforce can benefit from engaging, relevant, and practical learning experiences. This is where real-world scenarios in employee training come in, which can revolutionize the way you equip your teams with the skills they need to excel. According to a recent survey, 64% of […]

Employer Resources Professional Development

Revolutionizing Learning: AI Video Assessments in Employee Development 

Traditional training methods are facing a challenge. Static modules and written assessments often struggle to capture the nuance of employee performance, especially for soft skills like communication, presentation, and collaboration. Enter AI video assessments: these can be a game-changer for employee learning and development.   AI video assessments use artificial intelligence to analyze video recordings of […]

Employer Resources Professional Development

Knowledge vs. skills: what’s the difference? 

Knowledge and skills are the building blocks for professional success. Both are necessary for career advancement and professional development. Though people may use these terms interchangeably, they are different. The distinction is important, especially as you support your team’s acquisition of knowledge and gain skills to further their careers and productivity.   Knowledge is a collection […]

Employer Resources Professional Development

What is a skill? Types of skills and how to develop them

Skill often takes center stage for employers. However, the term often seems to have different meanings or appears to refer to different attributes.   To find a succinct definition of skill, we need to contrast it with knowledge. Knowledge represents theoretical information and facts, and skills involve using that knowledge to take action in the real […]