Professional Development

How does professional development fit into the “Great Resignation”?

The “Great Resignation” is a term that was used to describe the U.S.’s quitting rate, which reached a 20-year high in November 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic kicked off this phenomenon, not only with record-breaking lay-offs but with an incredibly tight labor market that affected employers, employees, and consumers in profound ways. According to Pew Research, […]

Professional Development

How professional development can make you a stronger leader

Professional development courses are a chance for you to develop a new skill, refresh yourself on an old skill, or stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in your field. Taking a professional development course is a great way to enhance your career, but it also helps to make you a stronger leader.   Professional development skills […]

Professional Development

What is professional development?

Professional development involves pursuing new skills, knowledge, or accreditation after joining the public workforce. Professional development is important for keeping up with recent trends or advances in your industry. It can also help with career advancement by providing new opportunities to build skills that may help qualify you for certification necessary for promotions. Some employees […]

Professional Development

Why professional development matters

Professional Development efforts focus on expanding your career-related skillset. You can accomplish this by taking courses, attending workshops, finding a mentor, or learning a new skill on your own. For the average worker, education ends after college, especially if you can secure a job in your chosen field. After you enter the workforce, your time […]