Employer Resources

Recognizing and coping with an identity crisis 

An identity crisis is a period of confusion and doubt surrounding one’s sense of self. It often occurs during times of transition or when someone is forced to confront aspects of their life that conflict with the roles they have taken on. It can impact personal/private life and professional/workplace roles, leading to difficult decisions about […]

Employer Resources

The importance of using proper gender pronouns in the workplace 

Using the proper gender pronouns is an important part of creating an inclusive workplace. The use of proper gender pronouns helps to create more inclusive working environments for those with a variety of different gender identities. Using the proper gender pronouns can include actions such as:  According to the Wall Street Journal, many large companies […]

Employer Resources

How to create a healthy company culture and why it’s important  

A survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that 72% of managers and employees think a strong culture is an essential part of making successful changes in a company. Meanwhile, 69% say culture helps companies adapt operationally in response to challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.   Company culture can also bring other advantages, such as getting employees to […]

Employer Resources

How to recognize and address skill gaps in the workplace 

As technology transforms almost every aspect of the economy, dramatic changes are happening in the workplace. Artificial intelligence, cloud infrastructure and automation are disrupting the nature of work in nearly every industry. These rapid advancements can create new opportunities for productivity and profit, but can also leave companies struggling to keep up with the pace […]

Employer Resources

How to upskill and reskill employees in my organization 

Organizational growth comes down to more than simply selling better products and hiring more team members — it also includes upskilling employees already working within the company and how these skills can contribute to the business’s overall success.  By encouraging regular growth in both professional and personal skills, employees are not only more likely to […]

Employer Resources

How to improve employee retention through professional development

By now, many businesses have seen the effects of what is being called the “Great Resignation.” According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the rising quit rate reached an all-time high of 3% in November of 2021. The Great Resignation was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but the overall causes of the mass resignations speak […]

Professional Development

In-demand job skills in today’s market

The best way to fit in today’s dynamic workplace is to develop different skills and keep your knowledge up to date. While some skills are growing obsolete, others, such as programming, data analysis and cybersecurity, are becoming more valuable.   Most degree programs do not cover such skills, but skill-based professional development courses can help professionals […]

Professional Development

What is future-proofing in career planning?

Future-proofing is defined as the process of anticipating the future and minimizing the negative effects while taking advantage of the positive effects of future events. This practice is used by individuals and organizations in a wide range of industries to ensure continued success amid the constant evolution of technology and the fluctuation of societal trends.   […]

Professional Development

How to negotiate a raise or promotion

Asking for a raise or promotion at work can be an intimidating process. It can be hard to know when you’re being underpaid, and understand your market value in a culture that still treats talking about salaries as “taboo.” Self-advocating for your worth can have huge personal and professional benefits, despite potential high stakes. Even […]

Digital Marketing

Inbound vs. outbound marketing

Today’s marketing landscape is dominated by two separate but equally prominent models: outbound marketing and inbound marketing. Both inbound and outbound marketing tactics are incredibly important in today’s marketing landscape.  Each tactic has its benefits and drawbacks that you may encounter through trial and error – which we will explore further, there is always room […]