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Fostering diversity and inclusion for all

Attract a diverse workforce

According to Tomás León, president, Equality Health Foundation, we are living in a multicultural world. Research shows that companies that attract a diverse workforce and build an inclusive work environment receive better innovation, collaboration and have stronger brands. So how do companies ensure diversity and inclusion for all?

In this episode of the How Tomorrow Works podcast, healthcare advocate and University of Phoenix alum León discusses diversity and inclusion as a business imperative. He also touches on America’s broken healthcare system, and improving your circumstances with education.

Click the image to watch Tomas' episode on fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

You'll also get to know more about Tomás, whose story is an inspiring one. He grew up in a disadvantaged neighborhood. Family support and personal tenacity propelled Tomás to be the first in his family to graduate college, then grad school. It comes full circle with his current role; he’s a leader in an innovative healthcare company focused on equal care for all. The discussion becomes all the more impactful when seen through the lens of Tomás’ real experiences, so definitely take a listen.

How Tomorrow Works

If you liked this episode, we have others. Check out the others from the How Tomorrow Works series on the University of Phoenix YouTube channel. Topics from previous episodes include finding the right career path with Atlanta Hawks Chief HR Executive Camye Mackey and seizing opportunities when stuck in a career with UOPX instructor Don Braunstein. The next episode focuses on the future of nursing with UOPX nursing instructor Connie Houser. And be sure to check out the first episode of the series, which covers the future of education and careers through the lens of an academic advisor.

Subscribe at for all six episodes of the How Tomorrow Works podcast. We talk with University of Phoenix leaders and alumni to hear what’s now, what’s next and what you can do to be ready. Learn more about University of Phoenix at


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