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Finding the Ideal Mentor for Moms

Looking for the ideal mentor for moms? In this video, we'll discuss how to find the perfect mentor to help guide you through motherhood and personal growth. Looking to save money on tuition costs at University of Phoenix? Check out these top secret tips for lowering your expenses and getting the most out of your education!

Finding the Ideal Mentor for Moms

0:00 how do you then be able to look ahead in 0:02 your organization and say wow I can 0:04 aspire to be like this person 0:06 identifying and finding mentorship and 0:08 frankly prioritizing that for those that 0:10 are in leadership roles is incredibly 0:12 important and I really believe we have a 0:15 responsibility as we move up in our 0:16 career to pay it forward and to help 0:19 lift up others with us 0:22 [Music]