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Networking Tips For Moms: 1 Simple Hack To Grow Your Network

In this video, we'll share a professional networking tip for moms looking to advance their careers while balancing family responsibilities. This tip is a game-changer for working moms!

Networking Tips For Moms: 1 Simple Hack To Grow Your Network

0:00 [Music] 0:02 I definitely would encourage moms to to 0:04 reach out and definitely Network and 0:05 find out what's going on in your 0:07 industry because at the end of the day 0:09 we want to get our women to be in those 0:11 Industries where they can have that more 0:13 flexibility right how can I be more 0:15 flexible what careers can I learn and I 0:17 think you know part of it is having our 0:19 employers frankly step up right and uh 0:23 educate moms about the different skills 0:25 that they could take on and they could 0:26 start getting into different projects 0:28 take on new roles