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The Impact of Perception

Discover the impact of perception on your life in this insightful video. Learn how your perceptions shape your reality and mindset for a happier life.

The Impact of Perception

0:00 is it possible to improve our lives just 0:02 by thinking about situations differently 0:05 according to University of Phoenix 0:06 researcher Dr Rodney luster our thoughts 0:09 can have a huge impact on how we handle 0:11 and overcome the challenges we face 0:13 every day luster sites Research into the 0:16 effect of positive imagination on cancer 0:18 patients and on athletes the insights 0:21 from these studies strengthen Luster's 0:23 thesis that positive perception can 0:25 improve outcomes so how do you start 0:27 changing your negative perceptions into 0:29 positive ones first practice optioned 0:31 thinking instead of trying to force a 0:33 new way of thinking about an issue try 0:35 to think of several options for how 0:37 you'll think about it this allows room 0:39 for growth without the pressure of 0:41 forcing a change and second rehearse new 0:44 possibilities take 10 minutes out of 0:46 every day to find some time for yourself 0:48 and imagine a mental scene where you've 0:50 overcome the challenge or changed your 0:52 behavior by practicing a new positive 0:54 perception you may find it replaces a 0:56 negative one make sure to subscribe for 0:58 more