By University of Phoenix
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we work and live, and it is now more important than ever that we support one another. University of Phoenix is making sure no one has to manage these turbulent times alone.To help people persevere through this time of transition and change, the University is rolling out a series of bite-sized webinars, called “Together we soar.” The webinars are a series of short videos hosted by faculty and staff to share their knowledge on timely topics, such as working from home, mental health while social distancing and learning online.
New webinars will be uploaded two-to-three times each week to the University of Phoenix blog Suggested webinar topics can be emailed to
Ali Hemken, senior director of category marketing, helped lead the development of the webinar series and said that they are designed to help everyone find their way forward together.
“There is so much uncertainty in the world right now. We’re venturing into an unprecedented period of work-from-home policies, school closures and social distancing mandates, and the stress of coping with this situation on your own can be overwhelming,” Hemken said. “We’re all doing what we can, but we need to get through this pandemic together. These webinars will help us all find our way forward.”
The University plans to publish a dozen or more webinars, with additional topics being recorded to support demand or to share thought leadership pertaining to new developments. Hosts include internal experts, like Dr. Dean Aslinia, counseling department chair and a licensed mental health counselor, who spoke on how to talk to kids about the virus, and Kristin Griffin, Vice President of Student Services and certified life coach, who shared thoughts on how to manage stress associated with the current situation.
University President Peter Cohen kicked off the webinar series with a video message on what University of Phoenix is doing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cohen, wearing a blazer and sitting in a Phoenix-red chair, recorded from home through his laptop webcam. In his message, he reiterated the University’s support, including helping public educators move classes online and an extended remote work policy.
“We’re doing everything we can to support our students, faculty, staff and those of you who wish to join the University,” Cohen said.
To learn more about University’s response to COVID-19, including tips and links to resources about the Coronavirus, visit
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