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Jacquelyn Kelly, PhD

Associate Dean

College of General Studies

About Kelly

Jacquelyn Kelly is an Associate Dean at University of Phoenix in the College of General Studies. She has more than 15 years of experience in science and math education. Her expertise is in translating science and math education research into practice at institutions of higher education. 

Kelly has dedicated her work to scaling and sustaining research-based practice in math, science and engineering education. She has been principal investigator and co-principal investigator of multiple federal grant projects to develop science education support for rural area K-12 teachers and to develop student government science officer roles in middle and high schools.

My teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that every learner possesses unique capabilities and potential waiting to be unlocked.

Jacquelyn Kelly
Associate Dean

My teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that every learner possesses unique capabilities and potential waiting to be unlocked.

Her previous positions include secondary and postsecondary science teaching, teacher evaluator for the county education service agency, and program director for professional development programs for science and math educators.  

Kelly earned her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction with a specialization in Science Education from Arizona State University. Her master's degree is in Materials Science and Engineering from Arizona State University. Her undergraduate degree is in Physics and Chemistry from California State University, San Marcos.  

My teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that every learner possesses unique capabilities and potential waiting to be unlocked.

Jacquelyn Kelly
Associate Dean

My teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that every learner possesses unique capabilities and potential waiting to be unlocked.

Grant-funded research:

  • 2016-2021. National Science Foundation. NSF ITTEST Grant # 1615209 Co-Principal Investigator. Chief Science Officers: A Strategy for Student Awareness and Industry Engagement. 
  • 2014-2018. Principal Investigator/Project Director. USDOE i3 Grant U411C130116. Maricopa County Education Service Agency. Engineering STEM Identity (ESI).  
  • 2008-2012.  Graduate Research Associate. NSF, CCLI Grant #0737149. PI: Stephen Krause, Arizona State University. Using Just-in-Time Teaching with Inquiry Learning Lessons (JiTTLL) to Promote Conceptual Change for Student Understanding in Introductory Materials Science and Engineering Courses 
  • 2008-2012. Graduate Research Associate. NSF, IEECI Grant #0836041. PI: Stephen Krause, Arizona State University. Understanding the Progression of Student Learning in Materials Courses Achieved through Conceptual Change of Nano-to Macroscale Concept Models of Materials (CONCOMM) 

Refereed journal publications:

Non-refereed publications and white papers:

Reviewed and published conference proceedings (papers):

  • Kelly, J., Krause, S., Baker, D. (2012). Using Systemic Functional Linguistics to Analyze Engineering Speak in an Introductory Materials Science and Engineering Course. 2012 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Baker, D. (2012). Remodeling Instructional Materials for More Effective Learning in Introductory Materials Classes. 2012 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J.,Baker, D. (2012). Strategies and Tools for Engaging and Assessing Students with Cyber Learning by Interactive Frequent Formative Feedback (CLIFF) in Core Materials Classes. 2012 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Krause, S., Sterling, A., Kelly, J., Stehlik, D., Isaacs-Sodeye, O., Baker, D. (2012). Development of a Crystal Spatial Visualization Survey for Introductory Materials Classes. 2012 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Kelly, J., Krause, S., Baker, D. (2011). Predicting Conceptual Gain in Atomic Bonding Module Using Engineering Speak. 2011 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Kelly, J., Eller, A., Krause, S. (2011). Assessing Challenges and Affordances of a Traditional Instructor’s Pedagogical Change During Guided Implementation of Innovative Pedagogy.  2011 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Baker, D. (2011). Addressing Misconceptions and Knowledge Gaps in the Restructuring of Atomic Bonding Course Content to Enhance Conceptual Change. 2011 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings.
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Eller, A., Baker, D., & Triplett, J. (2011) Developing a Materials Course Teaching Tool Kit to Promote Ease of Implementation of Innovative Classroom Instructional Materials. 2011 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Kelly, J., Krause, S., and Baker, S. (2010). A Pre-Post Topic Assessment Tool for Uncovering Misconceptions and Assessing Their Repair and Conceptual Change. Frontiers in Education Annual Conference. 
  • Kelly, J., Heinert, K., Triplett, J., Baker, D., and Krause, S. (2010). Uncovering atomic bonding misconceptions with multimodal topic module assessments of student understanding in an introductory materials course. 2010 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Kelly, J., Graham, A., Eller, A, Baker, D., Tasooji, A., and Krause, S. (2010). Supporting student learning, attitude, and retention through critical class reflections. 2010 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Baker, D., and Tasooji, A. (2010). An atomic bonding module for materials engineering that elicits and addresses misconceptions with “concept-in-context” multimodal activities, worksheets, problems, and assessments. 2010 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Baker, D., and Kurpius-Robinson, S. (2010). Effect of pedagogy on conceptual change in repairing misconceptions of differing origins in an introductory materials course. 2010 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Waters, C., Krause, S., and Kelly, J.. (2010). “It’s so Easy a Caveman Can Do It:” Teaching Introductory Material Science for Increased Student Engagement. 2010 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Corkins, J., Tasooji, A., and Purzer, S. (2009). Using Students’ Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge to Facilitate Conceptual Change in an Introductory Materials Cours. Frontiers in Education Annual Conference. 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Corkins, J., and Tasooji, A. (2009). The Role of Prior Knowledge on the Origin and Repair of Misconceptions in an Introductory Class on Materials Science and Engineering. 3rd Annual Research in Engineering Education International Conference. 
  • Kelly, J., Corkins, J., Baker, D., Tasooji, A., and Krause, S. (2009). Using Concept Building Context Modules with Technology and 5E Pedagogy to Promote Conceptual Change in Materials Science. 2009 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Purzer, S., Krause, S., and Kelly, J. (2009). What Lies Beneath the Materials Science and Engineering Misconceptions of Undergraduate Students? 2009 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings 
  • Corkins, J., Kelly, J., Baker, D., Kurpius, S.R., Tasooji, A., and Krause, S. (2009). Determining the Structure Factor of the Materials Concept Inventory. 2009 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Corkins, J., and Tasooji, A. (2008). Using Students’ Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge to Facilitate Conceptual Change in an Introductory Materials Course. Frontiers in Education Annual Conference. 

Conference posters and presentations:

  • Kelly, J., Tack, F., Oberding, T., Gielstra, D., and Hadley, S. (2023). Compassion in Action: Supercharging Your Classroom for Student Success in College and Career. Workshop presented October 24, 2023 by J. Kelly and F. Tack. 2023 Arizona STEM & Innovation Summit, Phoenix, AZ hosted by Arizona Science Center and SciTech Institute.  
  • Kelly, J., Bruno, J., Oberding, T., Gielstra, D. (2023). Destigmatizing receipt of accommodations in general education. Presented May 2, 2023 at Inclusive Leadership Summit by University of Phoenix. 
  • Gielstra, D., Resler, L., Moorman, L., Serveny, N., Ami, S., Kelly, J. (2023).  A methodological framework for transitioning field-based geography to virtual landscape learning in higher education: a case study from alpine glacial landscapes in Glacier National Park, Montana. Presented March 25, 2023 by N. Serveny at American Association of Geographers (AAG) 2023 Conference. 
  • Kelly, J., Oberding, T., Gielstra, D., Bruno, J. (2023). Closing the Academia-To-Industry Gap in Undergraduate Environmental Science Using Curriculum-To-Careers Programmatic Mapping. Presented April 2023 by all authors at Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Innovate 2023: Education Reimagined.  
  • Kelly, J., Oberding, T., Gielstra, D. (2023). Supporting Students with Empathy and Connection: Using Weekly Interactive Overviews to Support Compassionate Self-Regulation Between Faculty and Students. Presented January 2023 by D. Gielstra at 2023 Massachusetts PKAL (AAC&U) Regional Network Conference: Inspiring Joy for Teaching and Learning in a World of Disruption. 
  • Kelly, J., Oberding, T., Gielstra, D. (2023). Combating faculty burnout through engagement: Using formative feedback loops between faculty and administration to guide program evolution. Presented January 2023 by T. Oberding at 2023 Massachusetts PKAL (AAC&U)Regional Network Conference: Inspiring Joy for Teaching and Learning in a World of Disruption. 
  • Kelly, J. and Bruno, J. (2022). Destigmatizing the receipt of accommodations by using character personas in a general education nutrition course.  Poster Presented October 2022 by J. Kelly at 2022 Ohio PKAL (AAC&U) Fall Regional Conference: Evidence-Based Practices in Undergraduate STEM Education.  
  • Kelly, J. (2022). Closing the Gap: Strategies for Research to Practice in Online Undergraduate STEM General Education. Interactive Workshop Presented March 2022 by J. Kelly at OLC Innovate 2022 Virtual Conference.  
  • Kelly, J. (2021). Creating and Using a Philosophical Framework to Bring Theory into Practice in Undergraduate General Education STEM. Interactive workshop presented by J. Kelly 11/6/2021 at the American Associations of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) 2021 Transforming STEM Higher Education Conference. 
  • Kelly, J. and Edgcomb, A. (2021). Best Practice and Course Reconceptualization in Online Undergraduate Quantitative Reasoning. Presented by J. Kelly and A. Edgcomb at OLC Innovate 2021 Virtual Conference.  
  • Kelly, J. and Hadley, S. (2021). General Education Student Learning Outcomes: Assessing Learning and Creating Relevance. Poster presented Feb 11, 2021 by J. Kelly and S. Hadley at American Associations of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) 2021 Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment.  
  • Kelly, J. (2013). Science Language Acquisition and Technical Literacy in the Common Core. Workshop presented by J. Kelly October 2013 at Arizona Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. 
  • Kelly, J. (2013). Designing Informal Experiences to Strengthen STEM Identity. Workshop presented by J. Kelly at 2013 Science Foundation Arizona Informal STEM Conference, Phoenix, AZ. 
  • Kelly, J. (2013). Using the STEM Matrix to Guide STEM Implementation Efforts. Workshop presented by J.Kelly at 2013 Arizona Department of Education Leading Change Conference. 
  • Kelly, J., (2012). Using Systemic Functional Linguistics to Analyze Engineering Speak in an Introductory Materials Science and Engineering Course. Talk given by J.Kelly at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Baker, D. (2012). Remodeling Instructional Materials for More Effective Learning in Introductory Materials Classes. Poster Presented by J. Kelly at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. 
  • Kelly, J. (2012). Using Systemic Functional Linguistics to Analyze Academic Language in STEM. Poster Presented at 2012 Winter Meeting of American Association for Physics Teachers. 
  • Kelly, J., Krause, S., Baker, D. (2011). Predicting Conceptual Gain in Atomic Bonding Module Using Engineering Speak. 2011 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. Talk given by J.Kelly 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Baker, D. (2011). Addressing Misconceptions and Knowledge Gaps in the Restructuring of Atomic Bonding Course Content to Enhance Conceptual Change. 2011 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. Poster presented by J. Kelly 
  • Krause, S., Kelly, J., Eller, A., Baker, D., & Triplett, J. (2011) Developing a Materials Course Teaching Tool Kit to Promote Ease of Implementation of Innovative Classroom Instructional Materials. 2011 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. Poster Presented by J. Kelly 
  • Kelly, J., Heinert, K., Triplett, J., Baker, D., and Krause, S. (2010). Uncovering Atomic Bonding Misconceptions with Multimodal Pre/Post Concept Assessment Module in an Introductory Materials Course. Talk given by at 2010 ASEE Annual J. Kelly Conference, Louisville, KY. 
  • Kelly, J., Eller, A., Heinert, K., Graham, A., Triplett, J., Baker, D., Tasooji, A., and Krause, S. (2010). Supporting Student Learning, Attitude, and Retention through Critical Class Reflections in an Introductory Materials Engineering Course. Poster presented by J. Kelly at 2010 ASEE Annual Conference, Louisville, KY. 
  • Kelly, J., Eller, A., Heinert, K., Graham, A., Triplett, J., Baker, D., Tasooji, A., and Krause, S. (2010). Creating an Atomic Bonding Module as a Prototype Process for Development of Active Teaching and Learning Modules. Poster presented by J. Kelly and S. Krause at 2010 ASEE Annual Conference, Louisville, KY. 
  • Kelly, J., Corkins, J., Baker, D., Tasooji, A., and Krause, S. (2009). Using Concept Building Context Modules with Technology and the 5E Pedagogy to Promote Conceptual Change in Materials Science. Presented by J. Kelly at the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference: NSF Awardees Poster Session, Austin, TX. 
  • Corkins, J., Kelly, J., Baker, D., Kurpious, S., Tasooji, A., and Krause, S. (2009) Determining the Factor Structure of the Materials Concept Inventory. Presented at the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference: NSF Awardees Poster Session.